11 Human Senses
Human Light System
Sight/Vision, Hearing/Audition, Taste/Gustation, Smell/Olfaction, Touch/Somatosensation, Love, Path/Way, Faith, Gravitation

1 Sense of Sight or Vision
Sight (also called eyesight or vision) is one of the senses. Having sight means to be able to see. … The ability to interpret visible light information reaching the eyes is called visual perception. Sight is the resulting perception.
2 Sense of Hearing or Audition
Hearing, or auditory perception, is the ability to perceive sounds by detecting vibrations, changes in the pressure of the surrounding medium through time, through an organ such as the ear. … Like touch, audition requires sensitivity to the movement of molecules in the world outside the organism.
3 Sense of Taste or Gustation
Taste, or gustation, is a sense that develops through the interaction of dissolved molecules with taste buds. Currently five sub-modalities (tastes) are recognized, including sweet, salty, bitter, sour, (savory taste or the taste of protein). … Structures Associated with Taste.
4 Sense of Smell or Olfaction
Olfaction is a chemoreception that forms the sense of smell. Olfaction has many purposes, such as the detection of hazards, pheromones, and food. It integrates with other senses to form the sense of flavor. Olfaction occurs when odorants bind to specific sites on olfactory receptors located in the nasal cavity.
5 Sense of Touch or Somatosensation
Somatosensation is a mixed sensory category and includes all sensation received from the skin and mucous membranes, as well from as the limbs and joints. Somatosensation is also known as tactile sense, or more familiarly, as the sense of touch.
6 Sense of Love
Love is when you see yourself transformed in the most incredulous yet the most wonderful ways! Love is when you are not ashamed.
7 Sense of The Way or Path
Path or guiding light
A path or guiding star is an intuitive forward movement, according to a intuition with the application of will and game.
With the loss of a Sense of the Path, depression and a condition to the addiction alcoholism and drug addiction.
A guiding star is the light emanating from the manifestor of the path, penetrating the Heart, sanctifying the Soul.
The luminosity of the Soul is a gift of God, but acquired by a certain effort.
PEACE – LOVE – true joy – the rational fulfillment of a dream.
The codogram of the fulfillment of desire is the ordering of chaos.
A sine wave is a balanced state of life.
For oscillation attenuation does occur, manifestors of a chaotic collapse life burst are activated, which activates a vital position.
Feeling of the Way
A sense of the way, methods to develop it in a person as a measure of holiness and a measure of conscience.
The multi-level model of Reality is streaked with lines of different energy density and structure. Each line is a possible route, likely for somebody.
You can also call these lines the nerve fibers of Reality. Person gropes for such a line in his movement and follows it. He finds himself in a wave of intense learning and transformation.
Since in the supersensitive zone of Reality a person becomes sensed by it, he is noticed and he stands out from the mass of creatures, locked into the Forbidden Territory of Reality – Imitation.
The process of moving along the energy-saturated lines of Reality transforms a person into a light emitter if the characteristics of the line resonate with the structural characteristics of the person.
So, in order to find “your” line, you need to develop a Sense of the Path in yourself as a measure of holiness and a measure of conscience, where the measure of holiness is the ability to continue the Path of Light, and the measure of conscience is the ability to sense the movement of light within yourself and be led by light.
The Biointernet School pays great attention to the development and implementation of practices to develop a Sense of the Path. This direction is implemented mainly in practice, based on the experience of conducting Bio-Net mysteries and the use of trance technologies.
As a result of the introduction of the program The Biointernet School, the basic components of the micro climate of the human soul have changed.
The conditions have been created for the realization of a high concentration of microlepton gas, in which the effects of lies and fuss embodied in the body are neutralized. It accumulating in heavy, aggravating and polluting compounds, something like energetic “slagging”, but already on the verge of becoming a substance.
This means that the opportunity to deploy the so-called “wings of the spirit” in the body. The possibility of a qualitative growth of all three levels, ignoring all types of ancestral stellar and clan limiters, was really obtained.
8 Sense
9 Sense
10 Sense
11 Sense
11 Human Senses: Sight/Vision, Hearing/Audition, Taste/Gustation, Smell/Olfaction, Touch/Somatosensation, Love, Path/Way, Faith
See also: Bio-Net, Dynamic Vision Board, MiniMax, Leader Follow, Intuitive Information Sight (ability to see without using eyes), Matrix of Development, Time Trace, Time Travel Management, Expert-Operator System, 11 Senses, The Biointernet Seminars, 11 Senses