BEZ – Dr. Boris Zolotov (1947-2015)
BEZ, Dr. Boris Zolotov – Father of the Biointernet project
BEZ – Dr. Boris Zolotov on YouTube channel GDVPLANET

BEZ – Dr. Boris Zolotov (1947-2015)
BEZ, Dr. Boris Zolotov – Father of the Biointernet project
Boris Evgenievich Zolotov (November 20, 1947, Bryansk Oblast – December 25, 2015, Sochi) – world-famous scientist, philosopher, actor, director, teacher .
Boris Zolotov inventor of Leader-Follow, Intuitive Information Sight, MiniMax, EOS – Expert Operator System and other the Biointernet modes, technologies and practices.
Dr. Zolotov author of 24/7 seminars (the Biointernet seminars). Since 1988, Boris Evgenievich Zolotov conducted developmental seminars in the USSR, Russia, Bulgaria, Hungary and other countries. Last years, seminars have taken the form of “miracle parties” and “meetings with interesting people.”

Boris Evgenievich Zolotov was born in 1947 in Russia. He graduated from school with a gold medal. He earned the title of Master of Sports in boxing. After school he entered the Moscow Power Engineering Institute.
On the instructions of the Academy of Sciences of Soviet Union, B.E. Zolotov worked for many years in the Far East of Russia (Vladivostok, Chabarovsk), leading research related to the study of dolphins.

As a mathematician and specialist in complex and supercomplex systems, Dr. Zolotov participated in the creation of devices for space technology. He developed, in particular, the thermal protection system of the spacesuit Alexei Leonov for going into outer space. Based on his recommendations, the research institute “Graphite” received super-resistant to high temperature loads material for the construction of nasal and other critical parts of the rockets.
B.Е. Zolotov defended his thesis of a PhD on Technical Sciences, which was based on the work to create a mathematical model of a fundamentally new device – a vacuum arc furnace, in order to obtain especially large ingots of titanium for the construction of ultramodern submarines.
As a scientist Dr. Zolotov deeply studied the oldest philosophies, religions, folk art, ufology, occult sciences, the works of Agni Yoga and its followers, using this knowledge in scientific research.
On the way of expanding consciousness, BEZ reached the highest level of enlightenment on Earth – the Bodhisattva. In view of this, Boris Zolotov was elected as the Supreme Master of the oldest on earth, the Magic Society of Tibet “White Lotus”.
Developed in it such spiritual qualities as clairvoyance, clairaudience, sensation and others, he used for the finest studies in the knowledge of the mechanisms of construction and functioning of our Universe, as well as in his Light-Construction.
BEZ – Dr. Boris Zolotov
Godmother of Zolotov’s children was the famous Bulgarian seer Vanga. She predicted that at his age of 55, Boris Evgenievich would treat all human diseases, which was corresponds to reality.
B.Е. Zolotov was a scientific consultant of the Ministry of Culture of Russia for more than 25 years.
He participated in the work of numerous international commissions, in particular, in the International Commission on Anti-Catastrophic Activities on Earth. Only in one year of work of the expert-operator group Delta in the North and Pacific Fleets was it possible to prevent more than 10 accidents with nuclear submarines and ships.
B.Е. Zolotev official titles of Academician, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, is the author of more than 50 scientific books.
About him and his research, a lot of articles have been written and more than 20 films have been shot by foreign studios of the USA, Germany, France, Australia and Italy. According to the American press, Boris Zolotov is among the ten most intelligent people on the planet.
Seminars under the direction of B.E. Zolotov are theatrical mysteries of Light-Creation.

Evgeniy Vasiljevich Zolotov – father of Boris Zolotov.
Evgeniy Vasiljevich Zolotov (29 April 1922 — 26 July 1990) was a Soviet Mathematician and a member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences (1987). More on Wiki about Evgeniy Vasiljevich Zolotov.
BEZ, Dr. Boris Zolotov‘s the Biointernet seminars (1988-present days) on YouTube
BEZ, Dr. Boris Zolotov – Father of the Biointernet project
More info about father of the Biointernet project, Dr. Boris Zolotov (BEZ) we will publish soon.
Please see also Leader Follow, Intuitive Information Sight, Teleportation and other the Biointernet Modes here:
Bio-Net, Dynamic Vision Board, MiniMax, Leader Follow, Intuitive Information Sight (ability to see without using eyes), Matrix of Development, Time Trace, Time Travel Management, Expert-Operator System, 11 Senses, The Biointernet Seminars