Leader Follow
Historically, people are given the knowledge that they really need, and we are waiting for them to give us knowledge, how to live further, and we dream that we will live well. Maybe this knowledge is, and the person himself is obtained during life.
How does a person receive this knowledge, how does he learn, through what stages passes? What are the points of catastrophes, uncertainties? Where do you lose yourself, where do you find it?
This is all simply understood if we consider a naive, in a mathematical sense, simplistic, but accurate zero-level model-the learning model: when some quality, knowledge, skill is at one object, and the other does not, then how it can be transmitted, How is the process going? What modes, forces, what kind of interaction occurs, what fields exist, changes?
When you understand this, then you understand why we say when someone wanted to develop some kind of development model, then as a rule he was wrong. He wanted to develop a universal trajectory with one law of transformation, not realizing that there can not be one law of transformation on the trajectory, that is, development is booming in a two-object system: the external world and man, society and man, man and other person, man in general and his personal self, a person outside and inside.
It is a dualism, dual world in which there are boundaries between two objects. Through this border, something penetrates and remains in the other, but from that other it also seems to be and does not go away. How does this go and not go away? This is easy to understand if you realize that this is a projection type transmission. Time: the flashlight shines and what was here, projected on. And if there is a photoemulsion layer – or the ability to memorize, ie, a structure that can be transformed and memorized, then everything is in order, then the learning ability happens.
Consider the Leader-Fallow model, Leader-Slave. We will consider the model of interaction of two objects: # 1 and # 2, which have common qualities and differences. (See the fig. 1).

T – time
В – the presented quality
I-st zone: Meeting of objects, energy zone.
II-th zone: Blurring of borders, energy-information zone.
III-rd zone: Quantitative transfer of qualities, information-energy zone.
IV-th zone: Separation and interaction with another object, information zone.
On the OX axis, the length of the subsequent segment is equal to the sum of the two previous ones (The Law of Fibonacci Numbers)
On the axis OY-rule of the Golden Section
Leader Follow lecture by Dr. Boris Zolotov (BEZ), 1990, Bulgaria (Russian)
we are working for translation
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About the Leader-Follow Model (LFM)
Alaphipotesis: “Historically, they give people the knowledge they need, and we are waiting for them to know how to continue to live and dream that we will live longer. Perhaps this knowledge is well, most people get it during their lives But how does one get this knowledge How to learn What are the disasters, the uncertainties Where does he lose himself Where to find It’s all easy to understand if we’re naive , so in a mathematical sense, very simplified. “(BJ Zolotov) More on the LF model: -LFM-The Universal Theory of Development / Teaching Processes
More about LFM
The essence of the model is: “In a naive and accurate model, from the zero level, we look at the model of teaching: when one object has some knowledge, knowledge and quality, but the other does not have it. As we really understand this model, it becomes understandable why it is so common that if a model of development is developed, then it is usually misleading In fact, it is not possible to elaborate a transformation law, ie a development law, on only one universal trajectory. ” (B. J. Zolotov)
The philosophical description of the LFM
“In this collaborative model, all collaborators have the ability to develop a capability to increase the level of orientation in living space and information space, improving the quality of responsiveness to expand new knowledge, extending the opportunities to acquire knowledge to the extreme.” (B. J. Zolotov)
The essence of the recognition based on the LFM
The universal theory of development / teaching processes -LFM-Based mathematical context states that universal development is a two-object transfer process, in four main stages, in seven steps. The two universal objects were introduced as one of the so-called expert quality and role-building objects of the co-operating party and the other, called the operator quality and role-oriented object. The Expert-Operator System is the practical application of LFM, a new method, a new tool for development. The expert-operator pair means that the two objects are interconnected, close together
Leader Follow mode by Dr. Boris Zolotov
More Biointernet Modes:
Dynamic Vision Board, MiniMax, Leader Follow, Intuitive Information Sight (ability to see without using eyes), Matrix of Development, Time Trace, Time Travel Management, Expert-Operator System, 11 Senses