Transfer of Qualities using Biointernet Modes
Qualities and Quantities – properties or features of things
Qualities are those such as heat, redness, roughness, beauty and tastiness.
Quantities are amounts or extents of something, such as 100mm of length or 28 degrees by Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Usually Educational systems works with Quantities of Information. The Biointernet technologies use Quality of Information for better Education and New Quality of Life.
Qualities and Quantities
What and how quickly you can teach a certain world, a complex system, in other words, a person (but not necessarily), so that he can professionally and creatively do some work and get satisfaction from what he has done.
An so that the fire of desire does not stop burning inside him and could light others.
Qualities and Quantities So what is needed for this?
Not much is needed. We need to obtain the qualities, necessary to ensure a happy life for ourselves.
We need to acquire and develop “biolaser” qualities in ourselves.
We need to obtain emissivity, readiness for the translation of certain Qualities in a stable manner, without interference and distortion.
The question arises: what are these “qualities”?
First of all, this is the Quality of the Student, because without him it is impossible to get any knowledge and skills. See also: Feeling of Path and Way to the Teacher.
The quality of obtaining the most up-to-date information, the quality of manufacturability is the ability to learn through the use of the most modern teaching technologies, and not on static knowledge bases (Quality and Quantity).
And, perhaps, the equally important qualities of acquiring Faith-Hope-Love, without which there can be no way to any set of any qualities.
If we talk about the stability of transmission, then while you do not believe in it – transmission or broadcasting is impossible at all. This is called a one-goal game, there is no feedback, there is no interaction of electrons, there is no current, there is no autowave, and the oscillator is not formed.
The possibilities offered by the ability to work with energy-information flows (Biointernet Modes) can truly be considered unlimited. And having them, you can get the most perfect knowledge base about everything that surrounds us, about what is inside us, in the womb of the Earth, on other planets and galaxies.
This is possible because there are a lot of different information fields around us. It is only necessary to be able to get the necessary information from there.
And in order to be able to do this, and, moreover, not one-time, but constantly, you need to believe and learn how to do this.
The possibilities of each individual person are so limitless that it is almost impossible to predict what ideas and qualities he will present today or tomorrow.
It is difficult to imagine a person freely floating above the ground, meaning not as such a possibility of flight, like birds, but movement in space as if on an air cushion.
In fact, this is a much more complicated thing, called by one well-known word levitation, rather than the ability to move without stepping on solid ground.
In order to imagine this and it is much more difficult to describe and model this process, you first need to add a certain dimension in your personal Universe that will help you tear your mind away from a simplified understanding of the most complex processes taking place in the Universe.
The guarantee that you will have these or those qualities that will manifest or develop, reserve opportunities will open, lies precisely in the fact that you get used to “crawling” on the ground, doing a lot of useless things in your life, living only in three-dimensional and nothing more, we are used to being content with little.
Therefore, the manifestation of rationality was minimized.

How can one solve, or rather, even be able to first set tasks, that lie far beyond the boundaries of three-dimensionality?
Understanding (lability and broken template) is a very difficult stage, and it ends when all the previous ideas about the existence of being are blown out of our brains.
But existence of being is not in the sense of: school, work, shop, and all care.
Existence of being as a general form, more precisely as an material and information security of the existence of matter. But even this is not the whole disclosure of this concept.
Changes in the field of expansion of consciousness will begin to occur when we go beyond the ordinary and let our imagination run wild.
Let give freedom to our consciousness in the field of mastering the latest, super-latest technologies for the development of the perfect elemental, with such a life support system that will allow us to solve problems without failures of hundreds and thousands of times harder than it is now.
With all this, the external parameters do not seem to undergo large changes, at least this is invisible.
But everything that happens inside is hard to imagine.
A multi-chamber heart that is not afraid of superloads, altered blood cytoplasm, strengthened and strengthened liver and kidneys, allowing you to remove decay products from the body in the shortest possible time. A brain that can simulate this …!
Any experiments, whether with biological or objects related to the so-called inanimate nature, one must always remember that all these objects are interconnected, because they are in the same living and information space – the Biointernet.
And any unreasonable manifestation, a timelessly tracked process, proceeding in violation of any parameters, can cause a spontaneous avalanche-like process of the formation of catastrophic situations.
So, when working with genetic-code restructuring (Wave genetics), changes in the formed cells can occur, which is fraught with obtaining various mutational qualities.
And it is not known what will come of it – the superintelligence leading to progress, or, conversely, the mutant that destroys everything in its path.
Such a danger exists (Catastrophe theory). To prevent this from happening, we need to have a whole class of people who have the qualities to analyze and track any complex processes based on them, at the molecular-atomic level.
The level of conceptualism (Dimensionality in BioInternet is a level of what, we allow, permit for yourself) does not border on the level of everyday problems, but covers the whole essence of world problems.
Problems, determining the further existence of civilizations and their diversity both on Earth and in near-Earth space, and on the universal scale.
The problems of creating the processes of the formation of genetic-code formations that are stable in their variability can be solved only when it is impossible to limit the elemental to any boundaries.
Only in this case will it be possible to sufficiently reliably explain everything that exists. When for an elemental there are no boundaries in the field of space and time, it is free in the correctness of estimation and descriptiveness.
The grandeur of the tasks is not universally understood. They still think that it is play. It is insignificant, but it interferes.
You can always sail in a boat with a passenger and never learn to hold a paddle in your hands, giving priority to others.
At the moment when a storm can happen, you can ruin yourself with your inability and cannot help others.
Since you always lived at the expense of others, not realizing that they also sometimes wanted to be you, but because of their decency and understanding of the common goal, they did not allow themselves to descend to do this.
The mission you came here with must be completed and understood.
Then – a breakthrough, a breakthrough into immortality, a breakthrough into harmony, a breakthrough towards recognizing you as a rational being, and not as an object for moving to the replenishment of lower levels of the existence of the mind.
When this is understood, then there will be no glitches in solving global problems.
Then the solution of code-genetic problems will not slow down to give a result.
The transformative level process, although very complex, is necessary.
We need a push for the birth of an autowave that can perform the necessary functions of creating a system of maximum response to any task.
Therefore, more attention when creating system structures will be good.
It is not so hopeless that it does not work out right away.
The right to make a mistake remains.
This helps to correctly assess the situation and find the only right way out.
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