

Sounds tend to coexist information at the level of intuition. Dolphins have mastered the language of sounds to the perfection of transmitting informational and sensual messages.

All living things make a sound – therefore, “He who has ears, let him hear.”

In the beginning was the word … And the word was God … The word was created from sounds, which means that sounds gave birth to God.

Sounds constantly affect us:

on condition;
on thoughts;
on bodily sensations.
Sound makes possible the interaction between the visible and invisible worlds, because it was born in the world of the visible form, but belongs to the invisible world in the way it manifests life.

Sounds should not be underestimated, they have a power that can both destroy life and give rise to it.

Light also has a manifestation through sound, which means that from the nature of the light, we can conclude that sound synchronization. Sound and Light can cause the same state in an individual, but they use different ways of manifesting energy:

Sound – the transition from form to the invisible world;
Light – the transition from the invisible world to form.
When starting the work of the Spiritual heart, sound acts as a stimulant.

Sound is born of the Absolute, it is created from its awareness and is a mediator in the creation of God by the Absolute. Sound is the bearer of truth. If you do not get distracted by words, you penetrate intuitively through it and you can understand the meaning of their life. Sounds have the shortest life, they are guardian angels of the enlightenment process. Sounds affect the quality of the process with noticeable strength and at the same time, this effect always remains invisible. There is no living form that can avoid the influence of sound at three levels: Body, Soul and Mind. Sound also has the quality of the Creator, because after each manifestation in space, a change in the process of life is obtained. He has other qualities:

penetration power;
power of influence;
power of insight.
Only after one acquaintance with Sound do you always begin to feel the need for it.

Sound Categories

Sound is vibration as an instrument of creation; in India, the sound of Krishna’s flute was the magical cause of the birth of the world. Doelin mother goddesses were depicted with lyres in their hands, having the same meaning. In some traditions, sound is the first of all created things and phenomena of the world, which helps to create, starting with light or (as an alternative) with air and fire.

Sound is a heterogeneous structure with a shape, color and smell.

The concept of a homogeneous sound is beyond the bounds of conscious and unconscious perception, maybe even perception in general, because the Absolute-non-material matter of nothing-thought and nothing-feeling that underlies all Existing and Carrier also sounds like this.

Sound in earthly reality is defined by people as infra-and ultra-spectra. But, besides this, there are another 20 categories of unknowns and therefore unaccounted for, although they make up the basic set of any form of corporeality of any earthly being.

  1. Dense

There is no definiteness of form, but there is a clear trajectory of reverberation and an increase in dynamic phases.

  1. Ethereal

Void shells that affect the surrounding modules of life through subtle vibrations beyond sensitivity, although intranuclear processes are greatly activated under their influence.

  1. Plasma

This is a dense form, endowed with a faceted shell, capable of instant changes in direct dependence on the environment.

  1. The sound of an artificially created world

The model, due to clear graphicality and not going beyond the potential energy supply for the implementation of a given “sound” program.

  1. The sound of a naturally created world

Self-incrementing, self-programming, randomly combinable, mobile, minimal system of restrictions, innate ethics of transformation.

  1. Inertia of an echo

Woven structure of a fibrous type with porous organic presentation.

  1. Mirrored

Reflected at an angle from a smooth, non-permeable surface, restructured into a nihilistic one with a vortex system of presenting vibrations in a dense mode, sometimes perceived visually in the form of white-yellow balls exuding cold.

  1. Through the Looking Glass

A sound with a reversed polarity, identified on the one hand with an echo, and on the other with an etheric one, but coming integrally from the external walls of the object is mebius inside the center point.

  1. Parallel Intersecting

A secondary category under the sign of transfer from one reality to another. It can self-slide and multiply heterogeneously up to 3-4 generations, i.e. oncoming sound waves eject a density scale in space, which is then divided into positive ultrasound and negative infrasound with a similar “parental” intersection program due to the active kinetic inertia of the vibrations of existing biospheres.

  1. Sound that goes inward

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